"I Trapped the Devil" is written and directed by Josh Lobo, who makes his directorial debut with this film. And, so much I can say directly, it isn't a good one. For almost the entire runtime we get the focus on only 3 characters. 'Steve' (Scott Poythress), 'Matt' (AJ Bowen) and 'Karen' (Susan Burke). And even though they were not really terrible actors, the performances felt bland and boring nonetheless. There is definitely a problem with the writing here. To describe this movie, you can just say: three people talk to a door. The end. And of course I get what the director was trying to go for. Is it really the devil behind the door? Or has one of the brothers gone mad and it is all his paranoia. And how could you possibly believe it? The problem is just, that this isn't worth a full length feature. As a short film, this might have worked quite well, but sitting there for 82 minutes, getting some blood thrown at the screen for a little change and yet still stare at this door time and time again, doesn't deliver a pleasant movie experience. This might be for you, if you liked the film "Terror Talk", but aside from that I can't really see who else would be into this.
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